We want to thank the dozens of Class of 1969 friends who have sent in suggestions to the Class of 2019. Now our advice to them, and theirs to us, has been incorporated into a Little Booklet of Advice for our combined Commencement / Reunion Weekend. It will be distributed to members of both classes at the Champagne Social on Friday evening under the Big Top tent.
As we explained earlier, the Alumni Office asked us to start a tradition. They want us to look back on how Oberlin has affected our lives since graduation, on the assumption that those reflections might help members of the class of 2019 face the uncertainties of their future.
Obviously, they don’t face the same issues we did. We had Vietnam. They (and we) have Donald Trump. Still, might we not have something useful to say?
Because we both have spent much of our careers in education, we volunteered to coordinate this effort. Of course, because we are Obies, we wouldn’t dream of doing this the way other colleges have. We decided to add a twist of our own.
On our trips back to Oberlin to plan the reunion, we met with students who have convinced us that this year’s graduates have a lot to tell us, too. So, we have asked about 40 members of this year’s class to send us some advice back!
Some of them are students we have met on trips back. Some are student leaders. Some are top College or Conservatory students. Some are 2019-style activists. Some have been studying subjects that didn’t exist in the days before our hair color got challenged. All, however, are interesting young men and women.
If you have any questions, our phone numbers and emails are below. Thanks again for your help!
Chip Hauss
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Bonnie Wishne
UPDATE: The booklet was completed and distributed. To read it in PDF form, click the image.