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Roberta Leinwand (Opper)
I am still a clinical social worker in health care, this time in a physical rehab hospital, while my husband Peter continues to direct the Jewish Family Services of Richmond. Our son Mark (17) is a first-year student at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, and we are trying to get used to being parents of a college student. Erica (10) is a bright and vivacious fifth-grader. We hope to attend the reunion.
ORTH, JOHN (JACK) — Chapel Hill, NC
John Orth
Teaching, writing, marriage, parenting two adolescents, family — not necessarily in that order — keep me busy and (within reason) satisfied.
Joan Bottomley (Alter)
I’m still programming at Tandem. My daughter started college this year and my son started high school. I travel as much as possible: New Zealand, Egypt, and Scandinavia.
Pennington, Carol: see VALENTA
Pierce, Laurel: see COSTA
Francisco 'Paco' Pinto-Torres
Lynda Pinto-Torres
Our house was destroyed by Hurricane Andrew, and this year has been spent rebuilding our house and our lives. On the positive side, Lynda obtained her Master of Music degree in Piano Performance from the University of Miami School of Music in May, 1993. Sonia graduated from Oberlin, joining the alumni ranks with her sister, Elena, class of ’91.
Potter, Pamela: see NAJDOWSKI
Price, Sally: see McKNIGHT
Reiber, Marcia: see TRUDGEN
Lee Resseguie
We returned to the US after three years in London in June, 1993. I am a Vice-President in Capital Markets Products at Salomon Brothers, New York, specializing in designing and marketing tax-oriented financing and derivative products with emphasis on international cross-border applications. Janice (’78) is concentrating on getting us resettled and preparing for the NJ bar exam. Christian (11) and Helen (8) are happy to be out of the demanding English school system.
William Roberts
I live with my wife Barbara and children Jessica (8) and Derek (5) in the Washington, D.C. area. I’m an Attorney and Assistant Director of Representation for the Airline Pilots Association, International, specializing in collective bargaining and labor arbitration.
Christine Lehman (Rogers)
My second marriage just ended, and I’m in the process of finding myself again. Facing the world as a single person is sometimes exhilarating and sometimes frightening. I have a law degree and an M.A. in psychology, but after staying home with three kids for 10 years, I seem to be unemployable. If anyone out there has a job for me, I’d be grateful. Nothing human is alien; nothing human cannot be forgiven.
ROTHER, JOHN — Chevy Chase, MD
John Rother
I’ve been working for the past few years trying to get national health reform enacted. Oberlin — the values, the skills, and the people — continues as a major influence in my life and work. I’m still learning how to be a father, a friend, and a full partner with my spouse. I long for the time to reflect, but I don’t think 1994 will permit it.
Michael Rychener
A couple of years ago, I moved to North Carolina, near Research Triangle Park. I found friendly people, open spaces, and colorful local culture. I’m re-tooling technically and spiritually. Oberlin endures in my taste for the dynamic, in my love for greenness, and in my idealism.
Sanford, Julie: see MOORE
Seltzer, Christie: see FOUNTAIN
SHAY, ROBERT P. (BOB) — Watertown, MA
Robert Shay
It has been a wild but fulfilling 25 years since my graduation from Oberlin and marriage to Missy. There have been three children adopted, several degrees, a couple of careers, some public service, and through it all joy, sorrow, triumph and tribulation in full measure.
SHEARER, MARGARET (PEG) DUNCAN — Wallingford, England
Margaret Duncan (Shearer)
Family: “bi-national,” permanently living in UK, visiting US alternate summers. My husband teaches information studies and database management at Thames Valley University, London. Our daughter (16), a son (13), and a daughter (11) are all thriving in secondary school. I work part-time in desktop publishing. My goals are to share Oberlin/family heritage of intellectual and personal honesty, academic fascination and rigor, social responsibility, broad perspective, and appreciation of self and others, without getting pompous.
SHIPLEY, ROGER A. — Bellingham, WA
Roger Shipley
I live in Bellingham, WA, with my wife Gayle and two children. I am the facilities coordinator for the College of Fine & Performing Arts of Western Washington University.
Smith, Lynda Marjorie: see PINTO-TORRES
Smith, Martha: see MOTT-GALE
George Spencer
I am finally doing music for all of my employment, but not making much money.
George Spencer-Green
I live in a town of 1,200 in Norwich, Vermont, and do research, teach, and see patients at Dartmouth Medical School. I have a wife, one daughter (age 10), two cats, one dog, and two birds. I could do without the birds. I also play tennis, canoe, ski, and take a nap whenever I can on Saturday afternoons. High point of the year: coaching my daughter’s soccer team. Low point of the year: losing all of our games. Next year is bound to be better.
STILLER, JAMIE — Stuyvesant, NY
Jamie Stiller
I am living in Columbia County (upstate NY) in a 100-year-old farmhouse across from a sheep farm. I live with playwright James Farrell, 7-year-old daughter Cleo, two cats, a dwarf bunny, and a finch. My 22-year-old son Alex graduated from Trinity College in May and is an actor in New York City. He hardly ever visits. I just choreographed a new version of “A Christmas Carol,” directed by noted British director Frank Hauser, sets by Tony Award winner Desmond Heeley, and starring Wilford Brimley.
Marialyce 'Mari' Norman (Sunami)
June 1993 marked three important milestones in my life: I became the Executive Director of the South Side Settlement in Columbus, Ohio, my son Chris graduated from high school, and I received my master’s degree in Anthropology.
SUNDBERG, PAUL — Stockbridge, MA
Paul Sundberg
Tim and Jon, the teenage Sundbergs, have introduced both Lenore and me to skiing and tennis and renewed my interest in baseball, and now we are getting ready to look at colleges. I take time off from these interests to ply my trade as a freelance trumpet player in orchestras, in a brass quintet, and as a soloist. I have sent a few of my private students off to Oberlin, and I continue a long association with the Williams College Music Department.
SWAIN, SUSAN — Encinitas, CA
Susan Swain
I live in Southern California with my husband, Richard W. Dutton, and our two kids, Nicholas (13) and Lisa (7). I am Professor of Biology, UCSD, where I do research in Immunology and the Regulation of the Immune Response and teach. I also get to travel quite a bit and participate in national and international meetings, reviews and committees.
Cynthia Swindel Sweet
I’m working as a clinical therapist and social worker with families in an early intervention agency. My husband Clyde and I celebrated our 25th anniversary last summer. We have two daughters: Laura, born in 1981, and Clara, born in 1987 and adopted in Brazil in 1989.
Swindel, Cynthia: see SWEET
Szapiro, Elly: see NYGREN
Taber, Lois: see LASATER
TAL, EVE GOLDBERG — Kibbutz Hatzor, Israel
Eve Goldberg (Tal)
I am many people these days: mother of soldier in the IDF (Erez, 19), teenager (Asaf, 15), and very special Down Syndrome boy (Yair, 12); struggling writer of children’s literature; head of marketing intelligence and copywriter in our factory; active member of a kibbutz attempting to adjust to the changing demands of its members while preserving its uniqueness as a communal society. Then there’s Yochanan, and our beagle, and yes, sometimes I even have time for myself.
THOMAS, THOMAS B. (TOM) — Brackenridge, PA
Tom Thomas
After 12 years in local cable television, filling almost every position, I became a specialist: an electronic graphics operator. In the TV truck outside a stadium, I run a computer that generates the written material on the screen, from scores and statistics to credits. I’ve traveled with the Pittsburgh Pirates for seven seasons. I’ve also worked at the Seoul Olympics and events in London and Tokyo, among many others.
Tidmore, Marjorie: see BRADFORD (deceased)
After what seems like a lifetime of traveling and exploring, I have settled in Minneapolis. I still write music, commercially and just for fun, using synthesizers and computers most of the time. I teach a course in composition at the University of St. Thomas and have a company that produces audio tapes for young people called Titus International. All and all, it keeps me busy.
TOPP, WILLIAM C. — Otisville, NY
William Topp
My wife, three children, and I are farming 300 acres in the Catskill Mountains, northwest of New York City.
TRUDGEN, MARCIA L. — Anchorage, AK
Marcia Reiber (Trudgen)
After post-college lives in Massachusetts, South Carolina, and Washington, D.C., I moved to Alaska in 1977. In 1981 I married Dave Trudgen, a wildlife biologist who is now the senior fish and wildlife person for Alyeska Pipeline (post-oil spill). For the past 16 years I have worked as a research manager at the University of Alaska, and I am presently Business Manager at the Institute of Social and Economic Research. We both love Alaska and find it hard to imagine life in the lower 48.
Carol Pennington (McDonald)
Since 1985, I have had a wonderful job coordinating all the arts activities of Seattle Metro, the agency that provides public transportation and water pollution control in this region. When I’m not working, I’m travelling. My most recent foreign trips were to Northern Ireland in ’92 and to Vietnam in ’93. I’ve been lucky to have the same partner for the past seven years. Life is good!
VANNAIS, DIANE — Fort Collins, CO
Diane Vannais
I’ve been in Colorado for the past 25 years, addicted to sunshine and an uncrowded life style. I’m still having fun in the lab, doing DNA mutation/repair studies with my husband and teaching Molecular Genetics to increasingly younger graduate students. I have three grown stepchildren, and I am looking forward to grandparenting. Fifteen annual reunions with Jamie, Lynn, and Mary have helped keep it all together. I feel very lucky.
Waite, Maria: see NIED (deceased)
Robert Weiner
25 years later… still politics and running! My career: Watergate Democratic National HQ (Smithsonian exhibit since 1972, “Youth Vote”); Legislative Assistant, Ed Koch; Staff Director, House Aging Committee under Claude Pepper (we abolished mandatory retirement); House Narcotics Committee under Charles Rangel; now Communications Director, House Government Operations Committee, Chairman John Conyers. Current mission: end government waste and convert funds to human needs. Good luck! Running: 2nd outdoors, 3rd indoors at 1993 USA age group track championships.
WELLS, RUTH — Peekskill, NY
Ruth Wells
I’ve been at ABC as a set designer on the “daytime drama” One Life to Live since 1989. I live in Peekskill, NY, in an 1870’s Victorian with Jim Knight, my partner of almost 13 years, and our large cat Magic. The house needs lots of work, and a garden and Jim’s partly reassembled TR-6 fill the rest of our leisure time.
WESTNEAT, ARTHUR — Bloomington, IN
Arthur Westneat
After half a career as an African rural development specialist, I am enrolled in the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs in a public policy doctoral program. Peg is an editor for University Publications. Chris is in fifth grade; Greg is in kindergarten.
Thomas Witheridge
My wife, Virginia Selleck, and our daughter, Rebecca Witheridge, and I uprooted ourselves in May of 1992 and moved from Chicago (where we met, fell in love, and in some cases, got born) to the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, where I grew up. I am now the manager of the Mental Health System for adults and kids in Dakota County, a fast-growing suburban (ugh!) county south of the cities. Virginia works part-time in mental health. Rebecca goes part-time to kindergarten. We’re all happy, but a bit stunned by the move.
WOODROW, PETER — Cambridge, MA
Peter Woodrow
I’m still busy saving the world — which is easier with no dependents or debts! I work as a consultant to nonprofit organizations oriented towards social change, helping them with organizational issues and conflicts. I work occasionally in Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Music and dancing provide a counterpoint to work, along with Quaker activities. I live in a big house with four other adults and two kids. (Some of us never outgrew the co-op experience.)
Aline Zoldbrod
I think about my Oberlin days fondly and would be happy for visitors and calls. Our life is chaotic, but none of it could be edited out without a loss. Kids, marriage, house, career, book recently published — I’m proud and happy of what I’ve accomplished. In the last ten years I lost both my parents, the most difficult events of the decade. Otherwise, we’re all happy and healthy. Life is quite an interesting journey.
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